Amy Naugle

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, United States 
Behavioral Psychology, Medicine and Surgery
"Amy Naugle"
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Straight B, Needham BL, Onicescu G, et al. (2019) Prosocial Emotion, Adolescence, and Warfare : DNA Methylation Associates with Culturally Salient Combat Variables. Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.)
Lewis M, Naugle A. (2017) Measuring Experiential Avoidance: Evidence toward Multidimensional Predictors of Trauma Sequelae. Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland). 7
Jameson MT, Naugle A. (2013) Attitudes toward empirically-supported treatments among pastoral mental health care providers: exploratory findings and future directions. The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling : Jpcc. 67: 5
Decker SE, Naugle AE, Carter-Visscher R, et al. (2011) Ethical issues in research on sensitive topics: participants' experiences of distress and benefit. Journal of Empirical Research On Human Research Ethics : Jerhre. 6: 55-64
Decker SE, Jameson MT, Naugle AE. (2011) Therapist training in empirically supported treatments: a review of evaluation methods for short- and long-term outcomes. Administration and Policy in Mental Health. 38: 254-86
Decker SE, Naugle AE. (2009) Immediate Intervention for Sexual Assault: A Review with Recommendations and Implications for Practitioners Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 18: 419-441
Bell KM, Naugle AE. (2008) Intimate partner violence theoretical considerations: moving towards a contextual framework. Clinical Psychology Review. 28: 1096-107
Carter-Visscher RM, Naugle AE, Bell KM, et al. (2007) Ethics of asking trauma-related questions and exposing participants to arousal-inducing stimuli. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation : the Official Journal of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation (Issd). 8: 27-55
Bell KM, Naugle AE. (2007) Effects of social desirability on students' self-reporting of partner abuse perpetration and victimization. Violence and Victims. 22: 243-56
Schultz JR, Bell KM, Naugle AE, et al. (2006) Child sexual abuse and adulthood sexual assault among military veteran and civilian women Military Medicine. 171: 723-728
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