Richard P. McGlynn

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 
Social Psychology
"Richard McGlynn"
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McGlynn RP, Harding DJ, Cottle JL. (2009) Individual-group discontinuity in group-individual interactions: Does size matter? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 12: 129-143
McGlynn RP, McGurk D, Sprague Effland V, et al. (2004) Brainstorming and task performance in groups constrained by evidence Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 93: 75-87
McGlynn RP, Tubbs DD, Holzhausen KG. (1995) Hypothesis Generation in Groups Constrained by Evidence Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 31: 64-81
Laughlin PR, McGlynn RP. (1986) Collective induction: Mutual group and individual influence by exchange of hypotheses and evidence Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 22: 567-589
Steele ME, McGlynn RP. (1979) Effects of Affective Value and Similarity on Attraction. Journal of Social Psychology. 108: 111-119
Schick C, McGlynn RP. (1976) Cooperation versus Competition in Group Concept Attainment Under Conditions of Information Exchange Journal of Social Psychology. 100: 311-312
McGlynn RP. (1972) Four-Person Group Concept Attainment as a Function of Interaction Format Journal of Social Psychology. 86: 89-94
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