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Maciej Kosilo

2008- Psychology University of Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom 
 2012- Psychology City University London, London, England, United Kingdom 
EEG, Cognitive Neuroscience, Visual Perception, Working Memory
"Maciej Kosilo"
Mean distance: 19.36 (cluster 23)
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Kosilo M, Martinovic J, Haenschel C. (2022) Luminance Contrast Drives Interactions between Perception and Working Memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-21
Põder E, Kosilo M. (2019) What limits search for conjunctions of simple visual features? Journal of Vision. 19: 4
Haenschel C, Kosilo M, Laxhman N, et al. (2018) T210. Influence of Early Visual Encoding on Working Memory Performance and its Dysfunctions in Schizophrenia Biological Psychiatry. 83: S210
Rowe PJ, Haenschel C, Kosilo M, et al. (2017) Objects rapidly prime the motor system when located near the dominant hand. Brain and Cognition. 113: 102-108
Kosilo M, Wuerger SM, Craddock M, et al. (2013) Low-level and high-level modulations of fixational saccades and high frequency oscillatory brain activity in a visual object classification task. Frontiers in Psychology. 4: 948
Martinovic J, Kosilo M, Wuerger SM, et al. (2011) Induced Gamma-Band Activity and Fixational Eye Movements are Differentially Influenced by Low-and High-Level Factors in a Visual Object Classification Task I-Perception. 2: 187-187
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