Julie Ann Hakim-Larson, Ph.D.

University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada 
Life-Span Developmental Psychology, Child Clinical Psychology
"Julie Hakim-Larson"
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Chaker Z, Chang FM, Hakim-Larson J. (2015) Body satisfaction, thin-ideal internalization, and perceived pressure to be thin among Canadian women: The role of acculturation and religiosity. Body Image. 14: 85-93
Nassar-McMillan SC, Ajrouch KJ, Hakim-Larson J. (2014) Biopsychosocial perspectives on Arab Americans: An introduction Biopsychosocial Perspectives On Arab Americans: Culture, Development, and Health. 2147483647: 1-9
Hakim-Larson J, Nassar-McMillan SC, Ajrouch KJ. (2013) Health and well-being in Arab Americans: Prevention strategies using a biopsychosocial approach Biopsychosocial Perspectives On Arab Americans: Culture, Development, and Health. 387-401
Paterson AD, Babb KA, Camodeca A, et al. (2012) Emotion-Related Parenting Styles (ERPS): A Short Form for Measuring Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy Early Education and Development. 23: 583-602
Paterson AD, Hakim-Larson J. (2012) Arab youth in Canada: Acculturation, enculturation, social support, and life satisfaction Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 40: 206-215
Bemardon S, Babb KA, Hakim-Larson J, et al. (2011) Loneliness, attachment, and the perception and use of social support in university students Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 43: 40-51
Nassar-McMillan SC, Lambert RG, Hakim-Larson J. (2011) Discrimination History, Backlash Fear, and Ethnic Identity Among Arab Americans: Post-9/11 Snapshots Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 39: 38-47
Jamil H, Grzybowski M, Hakim-Larson J, et al. (2008) Factors associated with self-reported depression in Arab, Chaldean, and African Americans. Ethnicity & Disease. 18: 464-70
Jamil H, Farrag M, Hakim-Larson J, et al. (2007) Mental health symptoms in Iraqi refugees: posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression. Journal of Cultural Diversity. 14: 19-25
Hakim-Larson J, Kamoo R, Nassar-McMillan SC, et al. (2007) Counseling Arab and Chaldean American Families Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 29: 301-321
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