Cele C. Otnes

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Cele Otnes"
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Linda Y. Tuncay grad student 2005 UIUC
Katherine C. Sredl grad student 2009 UIUC
Behice E. Ilhan grad student 2011 UIUC
Elizabeth M. Crosby grad student 2012 UIUC
Boonthida Chinchanachokchai grad student 2013 UIUC
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Tsarenko Y, Strizhakova Y, Otnes CC. (2019) Reclaiming the Future: Understanding Customer Forgiveness of Service Transgressions: Journal of Service Research. 22: 139-155
Otnes CC, Zayer LT, Arias RA, et al. (2018) The Roles of Extraordinary Beliefs in Consumption Rituals Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 3: 566-581
Otnes CC, Maclaran P. (2018) Royalty: marketplace icons Consumption Markets & Culture. 21: 65-75
Mirabito AM, Otnes CC, Crosby E, et al. (2016) The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 35: 170-184
Zayer LT, Otnes CC, Fischer EM. (2015) The Nature and Implications of Consumers’ Experiential Framings of Failure in High-Risk Service Contexts: Journal of Service Research. 18: 303-317
Otnes CC, Ruth JA, Crosby EM. (2014) Product-agency benefits: Consumer perspectives and strategic implications European Journal of Marketing. 48: 878-898
Otnes CC, Ilhan BE, Kulkarni A. (2012) The Language of Marketplace Rituals: Implications for Customer Experience Management Journal of Retailing. 88: 367-383
Maehle N, Otnes C, Supphellen M. (2011) Consumers' perceptions of the dimensions of brand personality Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 10: 290-303
Fischer E, Otnes CC, Tuncay L. (2007) Pursuing Parenthood: Integrating Cultural and Cognitive Perspectives on Persistent Goal Striving Journal of Consumer Research. 34: 425-440
Nelson MR, Otnes CC. (2005) Exploring cross-cultural ambivalence: a netnography of intercultural wedding message boards Journal of Business Research. 58: 89-95
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