David Matsumoto

The Wright Institute 
Personality Psychology
"David Matsumoto"
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Xu X, Spinrad TL, Cookston JT, et al. (2019) The Relations of Parental Emotion Dysregulation and Emotion Socialization to Young Adults’ Emotion Dysregulation Journal of Child and Family Studies. 29: 725-737
Matsumoto D, Hwang HC. (2018) Microexpressions Differentiate Truths From Lies About Future Malicious Intent. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2545
Matsumoto D, Hwang HC. (2018) Clusters of Nonverbal Behaviors Differ According to Type of Question and Veracity in Investigative Interviews in a Mock Crime Context Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 33: 302-315
Matsumoto D, Hwang HC. (2017) Methodological Issues Regarding Cross-Cultural Studies of Judgments of Facial Expressions: Emotion Review. 9: 375-382
Matsumoto D, Hwang HC, Frank MG. (2016) Emotion and aggressive intergroup cognitions: The ANCODI hypothesis. Aggressive Behavior
Matsumoto D, Hwang HC, Frank MG. (2016) The effects of incidental anger, contempt, and disgust on hostile language and implicit behaviors Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Hwang HC, Matsumoto D, Yamada H, et al. (2016) Self-reported expression and experience of triumph across four countries Motivation and Emotion. 40: 731-739
Rychlowska M, Miyamoto Y, Matsumoto D, et al. (2015) Heterogeneity of long-history migration explains cultural differences in reports of emotional expressivity and the functions of smiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: E2429-36
Matsumoto D, Hwang HC. (2015) The Role of Contempt in Intercultural Cooperation Cross-Cultural Research. 49: 439-460
Matsumoto D, Frank MG, Hwang HC. (2015) The Role of Intergroup Emotions in Political Violence Current Directions in Psychological Science. 24: 369-373
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