Shauna R. Weinstein, Ph.D.

2014 Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology
"Shauna Weinstein"
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Elizabeth Kudadjie-Gyamfi grad student 2014 Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center
 (Mental state identification and childhood trauma: A neglected relationship.)
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Weinstein SR, Meehan KB, Cain NM, et al. (2015) Mental State Identification, Borderline Pathology, and the Neglected Role of Childhood Trauma. Personality Disorders
New AS, aan het Rot M, Ripoll LH, et al. (2012) Empathy and alexithymia in borderline personality disorder: clinical and laboratory measures. Journal of Personality Disorders. 26: 660-75
Perez-Rodriguez MM, Weinstein S, New AS, et al. (2010) Tryptophan-hydroxylase 2 haplotype association with borderline personality disorder and aggression in a sample of patients with personality disorders and healthy controls. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 44: 1075-81
Goldstein KE, Hazlett EA, New AS, et al. (2009) Smaller superior temporal gyrus volume specificity in schizotypal personality disorder. Schizophrenia Research. 112: 14-23
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