Morgan Poor, Ph.D.

2012 Business Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Marketing Business Administration
"Morgan Poor"
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Shanker H. Krishnan grad student 2012 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Guilt-free by association: How images of other consumers influence subsequent taste perceptions.)
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Elder RS, Schlosser AE, Poor M, et al. (2017) So Close I Can Almost Sense It: The Interplay between Sensory Imagery and Psychological Distance Journal of Consumer Research. 44: 877-894
Minas RK, Poor M, Dennis AR, et al. (2016) A prime a day keeps calories away: The effects of supraliminal priming on food consumption and the moderating role of gender and eating restraint. Appetite
Coary S, Poor M. (2016) How consumer-generated images shape important consumption outcomes in the food domain Journal of Consumer Marketing. 33: 1-8
Isaac MS, Poor M. (2016) The sleeper framing effect: The influence of frame valence on immediate and retrospective judgments☆ Journal of Consumer Psychology. 26: 53-65
Roseman MG, Poor M, Stephenson TJ. (2014) A Content Analysis of Food References in Television Programming Specifically Targeting Viewing Audiences Aged 11 to 14 Years Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 46: 20-25
Poor M, Duhachek A, Krishnan HS. (2013) How Images of Other Consumers Influence Subsequent Taste Perceptions Journal of Marketing. 77: 124-139
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