Rick J. Brown

Citrus College 
"Rick Brown"
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Norcia AM, Harrad RA, Brown RJ. (2000) Changes in cortical activity during suppression in stereoblindness. Neuroreport. 11: 1007-12
Brown RJ, Candy TR, Norcia AM. (1999) Development of rivalry and dichoptic masking in human infants. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 40: 3324-33
Odom JV, Brown RJ, Boothe RG. (1998) Maturation of binocular luminance interaction in normal young and adult rhesus monkeys. Documenta Ophthalmologica. Advances in Ophthalmology. 95: 257-69
Brown RJ, Wilson JR, Norcia AM, et al. (1998) Development of directional motion symmetry in the monocular visually evoked potential of infant monkeys. Vision Research. 38: 1253-63
Brown RJ, Norcia AM. (1997) A method for investigating binocular rivalry in real-time with the steady-state VEP. Vision Research. 37: 2401-8
Boothe RG, Brown RJ. (1996) What happens to binocularity in primate strabismus? Eye (London, England). 10: 199-208
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