Melinda L. Irwin

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Public Health, Behavioral Psychology
"Melinda Irwin"
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Schmitz KH, Brown JC, Irwin ML, et al. (2024) Exercise and nutrition to improve cancer Treatment-Related outcomes (ENICTO). Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Brown JC, Spielmann G, Yang S, et al. (2024) Effects of exercise or metformin on myokine concentrations in patients with breast and colorectal cancer: A phase II multi-centre factorial randomized trial. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Puklin LS, Ferrucci LM, Harrigan M, et al. (2024) Improving lifestyle behaviors during chemotherapy for breast cancer: The Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition Early After Diagnosis (LEANer) Trial. Cancer
Western B, Ivarsson A, Vistad I, et al. (2024) Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors-An individual patient data meta-analysis from the POLARIS study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 34: e14575
Knoerl R, Sannes TS, Giobbie-Hurder A, et al. (2023) Exploring anxiety as an influencing factor of the impact of exercise and mind-body prehabilitation on cognitive functioning among women undergoing breast cancer surgery. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 1-9
Puklin LS, Li F, Cartmel B, et al. (2023) Post-diagnosis weight trajectories and mortality among women with breast cancer. Npj Breast Cancer. 9: 98
Puklin LS, Harrigan M, Cartmel B, et al. (2023) Randomized Trial Evaluating a Self-Guided Lifestyle Intervention Delivered via Evidence-Based Materials versus a Waitlist Group on Changes in Body Weight, Diet Quality, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors. Cancers. 15
Sanft T, Harrigan M, McGowan C, et al. (2023) Randomized Trial of Exercise and Nutrition on Chemotherapy Completion and Pathologic Complete Response in Women With Breast Cancer: The Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition Early After Diagnosis Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. JCO2300871
Cao A, Cartmel B, Li FY, et al. (2023) Effect of Exercise on Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Among Patients Treated for Ovarian Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama Network Open. 6: e2326463
Cartmel B, Li FY, Zhou Y, et al. (2023) Randomized trial of exercise on cancer-related blood biomarkers and survival in women with ovarian cancer. Cancer Medicine
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