David Allbritton

DePaul University, Chicago, IL, United States 
Cognitive Psychology
"David Allbritton"
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Arnott-Hill E, Hastings P, Allbritton D. (2012) Intelligent Tutoring in a Non-Traditional College Classroom Setting International Journal of Applied Psychology. 2: 1-7
Poulsen R, Hastings P, Allbritton D. (2007) Tutoring Bilingual Students with an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens Journal of Educational Computing Research. 36: 191-221
Katz S, Allbritton D, Aronis J, et al. (2006) Gender, achievement, and persistence in an undergraduate computer science program Acm Sigmis Database. 37: 42-57
Allbritton DW. (2003) Using open-source solutions to teach computing skills for student research. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers : a Journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc. 35: 251-4
Katz S, Aronis J, Allbritton D, et al. (2003) Gender and race in predicting achievement in computer science Ieee Technology and Society Magazine. 22: 20-27
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