Jaap van Heerden

Psychology University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands 
"Jaap van Heerden"
Mean distance: 19.63 (cluster 4)
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Nico H. Frijda grad student 1982 Amsterdam
 (Zorgelijke staat van het onbewuste)


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Denny Borsboom grad student Amsterdam
Maarten Speekenbrink grad student 2000-2005 Amsterdam (PsychTree)
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Borsboom D, Mellenbergh GJ, van Heerden J. (2004) The concept of validity. Psychological Review. 111: 1061-71
Borsboom D, Mellenbergh GJ, van Heerden J. (2003) The theoretical status of latent variables. Psychological Review. 110: 203-19
Borsboom D, Mellenbergh GJ, Van Heerden J. (2002) Different kinds of DIF: A distinction between absolute and relative forms of measurement invariance and bias Applied Psychological Measurement. 26: 433-450
Borsboom D, Mellenbergh GJ, Van Heerden J. (2002) Functional thought experiments Synthese. 130: 379-387
Sprangers M, van den Brink W, van Heerden J, et al. (1987) A constructive replication of White's alleged refutation of Nisbett and Wilson and of Bem: Limitations of verbal reports of internal events Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 23: 302-310
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