Loy D. Lytle, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
"Loy Lytle"Mean distance: 14.81 (cluster 19)
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Conway CM, Martinez J, Lytle LD. (1998) Maturational changes in the thermal nociceptive responses of developing rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 33: 47-60 |
Torres G, Lytle LD. (1990) Light affects neonatal rat pineal gland N-acetyltransferase activity by an extra-retinal mechanism. Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section. 80: 67-77 |
Bronstein DM, Haak KA, Torres G, et al. (1990) Light-induced changes in pineal gland N-acetyltransferase activity: developmental aspects. Neuroendocrinology. 51: 139-46 |
Torres G, Haak KA, Lytle LD. (1989) Catecholaminergic mechanisms mediate hypothermia-induced elevations in pineal gland N-acetyltransferase in neonatal rats. Journal of Pineal Research. 6: 43-53 |
Torres G, Lytle LD. (1989) Extraretinal mechanisms mediate light-induced changes in neonatal rat pineal gland N-acetyltransferase activity. Journal of Pineal Research. 7: 211-20 |
Haak KA, Torres G, Garvey PL, et al. (1989) Xylamine enhances pineal gland N-acetyltransferase activity in vitro. General Pharmacology. 20: 77-80 |
Bronstein DM, Jacobs GH, Haak KA, et al. (1987) Action spectrum of the retinal mechanism mediating nocturnal light-induced suppression of rat pineal gland N-acetyltransferase. Brain Research. 406: 352-6 |
Bronstein DM, Mitteldorf P, Sadeghi MM, et al. (1986) Visceral nociception in developing rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 19: 473-87 |
Gravey PL, Pullara JM, Baker CJ, et al. (1985) Diet-induced alterations in rat pineal gland melatonin Federation Proceedings. 44: No. 3092 |
Altar A, Terry RL, Lytle LD. (1984) Sex-related differences in pineal gland N-acetyltransferase induction by d-amphetamine. General Pharmacology. 15: 13-8 |