Nick B. Cullather

History Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
United States History, History of Science, General Psychology
"Nick Cullather"
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Cullather N. (2019) Thomas S. Mullaney, The Chinese Typewriter: A History. The American Historical Review. 124: 1049-1050
Cullather N. (2015) Paul Erickson, Judy L. Klein, Lorraine Daston, Rebecca Lemov, Thomas Sturm, and Michael D. Gordin. How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind: The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality. Jamie Cohen-Cole. The Open Mind: Cold War Politics and the Sciences of Human Nature. The American Historical Review. 120: 287-289
Cullather N. (2006) Here's the Beef: Religion, Culture, and Ngo Dinh Diem Diplomatic History. 30: 553-557
Cullather N. (2005) Mandarins of the Future: Modernization Theory in Cold War America. By Nils Gilman. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. xiv, 329 pp. $48.00, ISBN 0-8018-7399-1.) The Journal of American History. 91: 1525-1526
Cullather N. (2003) Vestiges of War: The Philippine-American War and the Aftermath of an Imperial Dream, 1899–1999. Ed. by Angel Velasco Shaw and Luis H. Francia. (New York: New York University Press, 2002. xxviii, 468 pp. Cloth, $80.00, isbn 0-8147-9790-3. Paper, $29.95, isbn 0-8147-9791-1.) The Journal of American History. 90: 1051-1052
Cullather N. (2002) Damming Afghanistan: Modernization in a Buffer State The Journal of American History. 89: 512-537
Cullather N. (2002) Stephen M. Streeter. Managing the Counterrevolution: The United States and Guatemala, 1954–1961. (Research in International Studies, Latin American Series, number 34.) Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Center for International Studies. 2000. Pp. xv, 384. $30.00 The American Historical Review. 107: 1609-1610
Cullather N. (2000) Parallax Visions: Making Sense of American-East Asian Relations at the End of the Century. By Bruce Cumings. (Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. vi, 280 pp. $27.95, ISBN 0-8223-2276-5.) The Journal of American History. 87: 315-316
Cullather N, Albright J, Kunstel M, et al. (1998) Bombshell: The Secret Story of Americas Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy. By Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel. New York: Times, A Century of Spies: Intelligence in the Twentieth Century. By Jeffrey T. Richelson. New York: Oxford University Press and Secrets: The CIA's War at Home. By Angus Mackenzie. Berkeley: University of California Press The Journal of American History. 85: 1146-1148
Merrill D, Cullather N. (1995) Illusions of Influence: The Political Economy of United States-Philippines Relations, 1942-1960. The American Historical Review. 101: 1275
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