Diane E. Whaley

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Educational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology
"Diane Whaley"
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Vicki Ebbeck grad student 1993-1997 Oregon State


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Sean P Mullen grad student 2004-2009 UVA (Kinesiology Tree)
Robin Schroyer grad student 2012 UVA
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Garcia JM, Sirard JR, Whaley DE, et al. (2018) The Influence of Friends and Psychosocial Factors on Physical Activity and Screen Time in Normal and Overweight Adolescents: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. American Journal of Health Promotion : Ajhp. 890117118771313
Johnson CC, Taylor AG, Anderson JG, et al. (2014) Feasibility and Acceptability of an Internet-Based, African Dance-Modified Yoga Program for African-American Women with or at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy. 4
Whaley DE. (2014) An argument for a developmental approach in studying older adults' physical activity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. 22: i-iv
Whaley DE, Krane V. (2012) Resilient excellence: challenges faced by trailblazing women in U.S. sport psychology. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 83: 65-76
Whaley DE. (2012) A Life Span Developmental Approach to Studying Sport and Exercise Behavior Handbook of Sport Psychology: Third Edition. 643-661
Whaley DE, Krane V. (2011) Now that we all agree, let's talk epistemology: A commentary on the invited articles Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 3: 394-403
Krane V, Whaley DE. (2010) Quiet Competence: Writing Women Into the History of U.S. Sport and Exercise Psychology The Sport Psychologist. 24: 349-372
Whaley DE, Schroyer R. (2010) "I Yam what I Yam"... The power of the self in exercise behavior Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 1: 25-32
Krane V, Whaley D. (2010) Short pre‐conference report: Think Tank for critical social psychology of sport and exercise Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise. 2: 403-404
Mullen SP, Whaley DE. (2010) Age, gender, and fitness club membership: Factors related to initial involvement and sustained participation International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 8: 24-35
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