Louis Marino

Management The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Entrepreneurship Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
"Louis Marino"
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Kreiser PM, Anderson BS, Kuratko DF, et al. (2019) Entrepreneurial Orientation and Environmental Hostility: A Threat Rigidity Perspective: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Wales W, Gupta VK, Marino L, et al. (2019) Entrepreneurial orientation: International, global and cross-cultural research: International Small Business Journal. 37: 95-104
Laskovaia A, Marino L, Shirokova G, et al. (2019) Expect the unexpected: examining the shaping role of entrepreneurial orientation on causal and effectual decision-making logic during economic crisis Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 31: 456-475
Beliaeva T, Marino L, Shirokova G, et al. (2018) Institutional Contextualization of the Entrepreneurial Orientation-Performance Relationship Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018: 11477
Jackson WE, Marino L, Naidoo JS, et al. (2018) Size Matters: The Impact of Loan Size on Measures of Disparate Treatment toward Minority Entrepreneurs in the Small Firm Credit Market Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 8
Lomberg C, Urbig D, Stöckmann C, et al. (2017) Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Dimensions’ Shared Effects in Explaining Firm Performance Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 41: 973-998
Lomberg C, Urbig D, Marino L, et al. (2014) Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Dimensions’ Unique and Shared Effects on Firm Performance Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014: 15386
Tokman M, Richey RG, Morgan TR, et al. (2013) SME supply chain portfolios: Firm satisfaction and organization resources International Journal of Logistics Management. 24: 271-300
Kreiser PM, Marino LD, Kuratko DF, et al. (2013) Disaggregating entrepreneurial orientation: The non-linear impact of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking on SME performance Small Business Economics. 40: 273-291
George BA, Marino L. (2011) The Epistemology of Entrepreneurial Orientation: Conceptual Formation, Modeling, and Operationalization Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 35: 989-1024
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