Taruna Ikrar, MD. Ph.D.

Anatomy & Neurobiology University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Cortical Circuit, Hippocampus, Inhibitory neuron, Optogenetics
"Taruna Ikrar"
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Frantz MG, Crouse EC, Sokhadze G, et al. (2023) Layer 4 Gates Plasticity in Visual Cortex Independent of a Canonical Microcircuit. Current Biology : Cb. 33: 2586
Frantz MG, Crouse EC, Sokhadze G, et al. (2020) Layer 4 Gates Plasticity in Visual Cortex Independent of a Canonical Microcircuit. Current Biology : Cb
Lazaro MT, Taxidis J, Shuman T, et al. (2019) Reduced Prefrontal Synaptic Connectivity and Disturbed Oscillatory Population Dynamics in the CNTNAP2 Model of Autism. Cell Reports. 27: 2567-2578.e6
Garcia-Junco-Clemente P, Ikrar T, Tring E, et al. (2017) An inhibitory pull-push circuit in frontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience
Stephany CÉ, Ikrar T, Nguyen C, et al. (2016) Nogo Receptor 1 Confines a Disinhibitory Microcircuit to the Critical Period in Visual Cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 11006-11012
Sun Y, Ikrar T, Davis MF, et al. (2016) Neuregulin-1/ErbB4 Signaling Regulates Visual Cortical Plasticity. Neuron
Baohan A, Ikrar T, Tring E, et al. (2016) Pten and EphB4 regulate the establishment of perisomatic inhibition in mouse visual cortex. Nature Communications. 7: 12829
Xu X, Ikrar T, Sun Y, et al. (2016) High-resolution and cell-type-specific photostimulation mapping shows weak excitatory versus strong inhibitory inputs in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.01148.2015
Xu X, Olivas ND, Ikrar T, et al. (2016) Primary visual cortex shows laminar specific and balanced circuit organization of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connectivity. The Journal of Physiology
Anurogo D, Ikrar T. (2016) Optogenetics, A Futuristic Panacea in Genetics Journal of the Medical Sciences. 48: 5-6
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