Zubeyir Bayraktaroglu, MD, PhD

"Zubeyir Bayraktaroglu"
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Tamer Demiralp grad student 2003-2009


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Erol YILDIRIM collaborator 2003-2009
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Tezel-Bayraktaroglu O, Bayraktaroglu Z, Demirtas-Tatlidede A, et al. (2020) Neuronavigated rTMS inhibition of right pars triangularis anterior in stuttering: Differential effects on reading and speaking. Brain and Language. 210: 104862
von Carlowitz-Ghori K, Bayraktaroglu Z, Waterstraat G, et al. (2015) Voluntary control of corticomuscular coherence through neurofeedback: a proof-of-principle study in healthy subjects. Neuroscience. 290: 243-54
Duru AD, Bayraktaroglu Z, Kurt E, et al. (2014) Source concordance analysis of simultaneously recorded steady state visual evoked potentials and fMRI F1000research. 5
Tezel-Bayraktaroglu O, Bayraktaroglu Z, Oge AE, et al. (2014) Inhibition of right pars triangularis anterior reduces stuttering: an rTMS study F1000research. 5
Bayraktaroglu Z, von Carlowitz-Ghori K, Curio G, et al. (2013) It is not all about phase: amplitude dynamics in corticomuscular interactions. Neuroimage. 64: 496-504
Bayram A, Bayraktaroglu Z, Karahan E, et al. (2011) Simultaneous EEG/fMRI analysis of the resonance phenomena in steady-state visual evoked responses. Clinical Eeg and Neuroscience. 42: 98-106
Bayraktaroglu Z, von Carlowitz-Ghori K, Losch F, et al. (2011) Optimal imaging of cortico-muscular coherence through a novel regression technique based on multi-channel EEG and un-rectified EMG. Neuroimage. 57: 1059-67
von Carlowitz-Ghori KM, Hohlefeld FU, Bayraktaroglu Z, et al. (2011) Effect of complete stimulus predictability on P3 and N2 components: an electroencephalographic study. Neuroreport. 22: 459-63
Bayraktaroglu Z, von Carlowitz-Ghori K, Losch F, et al. (2011) P3.16 Rectification of EMG reduces cortico-muscular coherence: multichannel EEG study Clinical Neurophysiology. 122: S70
Özker M, Karahan E, Erdogan B, et al. (2010) Steady state visual evoked potential informed fMRI analysis for alpha, beta and gamma bands | Alfa, beta ve gamma bantlarinda duraǧan hal görsel uyarilma potansiyeli bildirimli fMRG analizi 2010 15th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting, Biyomut2010
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