Melissa K. Carsten, Ph.D.

2006 The Claremont Graduate University 
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
"Melissa Carsten"
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Michelle C. Bligh grad student 2006 The Claremont Graduate University
 (Vision in focus: Investigating follower processes that mediate vision articulation and organizational outcomes.)
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Larsson M, Carsten M, Knudsen M. (2020) Good intentions gone awry: investigating a strategically oriented MLD program Journal of Management Development. 39: 334-354
Carsten MK, Bligh MC, Kohles JC, et al. (2019) A follower-centric approach to the 2016 US presidential election: Candidate rhetoric and follower attributions of charisma and effectiveness: Leadership. 15: 179-204
Matthews M, Carsten MK, Ayers DJ, et al. (2018) Determinants of turnover among low wage earners in long term care: the role of manager-employee relationships. Geriatric Nursing (New York, N.Y.)
Carsten MK, Uhl-Bien M, Huang L. (2018) Leader perceptions and motivation as outcomes of followership role orientation and behavior Leadership. 14: 731-756
Klimchak M, Carsten M, Morrell D, et al. (2016) Employee Entitlement and Proactive Work Behaviors: The Moderating Effects of Narcissism and Organizational Identification Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 23: 387-396
Brett JF, Uhl-Bien M, Huang L, et al. (2016) Goal orientation and employee resistance at work: Implications for manager emotional exhaustion with the employee Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 89: 611-633
Uhl-Bien M, Riggio RE, Lowe KB, et al. (2014) Followership theory: A review and research agenda Leadership Quarterly. 25: 83-104
Kohles JC, Bligh MC, Carsten MK. (2013) The vision integration process: Applying Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory to leader–follower communications: Leadership. 9: 466-485
Carsten MK, Uhl-Bien M. (2013) Ethical Followership An Examination of Followership Beliefs and Crimes of Obedience Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 20: 49-61
Kohles JC, Bligh MC, Carsten MK. (2012) A follower-centric approach to the vision integration process Leadership Quarterly. 23: 476-487
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