Julie M. Croff, Ph.D.

2006-2010 PubHlth (Health Behav)JtDocSDSU University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University 
Public Health, Substance Use
"Julie Croff"
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John D. Clapp grad student 2010 University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University
 (Brief intervention to reduce alcohol use among men who have sex with men.)
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Hartwell M, Bloom M, Elenwo C, et al. (2024) Association of prenatal substance exposure and the development of the amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampus. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Moyers SA, Hartwell M, Chiaf A, et al. (2023) Associations of Combustible Cigarette, Electronic Cigarette, and Dual Use With COVID Infection and Severity in the U.S.: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the 2021 National Health Information Survey. Tobacco Use Insights. 16: 1179173X231179675
Appleseth HS, Moyers SA, Crockett-Barbera EK, et al. (2023) Language considerations for children of parents with substance use disorders. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 18: 28
Hartwell M, Hendrix-Dicken A, Terry R, et al. (2023) Trends and forecasted rates of adverse childhood experiences among adults in the United States: an analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Terry RM, Schiffmacher SE, Dutcher AA, et al. (2022) Adverse childhood experience categories and subjective cognitive decline in adulthood: an analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Traxler B, Nicks S, Puckett M, et al. (2021) The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on opioid use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 228: 108965
Hartwell ML, Croff JM. (2021) Prenatal Opioid Exposure and Motor Cortex Volume-Reply. Jama Pediatrics
Hartwell M, Greiner B, Dunn K, et al. (2021) Prescription Opioid Use and Laboratory Value Derangements: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of NHANES Data. Pain Physician. 24: E95-E100
Hartwell ML, Croff JM, Morris AS, et al. (2020) Association of Prenatal Opioid Exposure With Precentral Gyrus Volume in Children. Jama Pediatrics
Croff JM, Hartwell ML, Chiaf AL, et al. (2020) Feasibility and reliability of continuously monitoring alcohol use among female adolescents and young adults. Drug and Alcohol Review
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