Jennifer L. Snekser, Ph.D.

2010 Integrative Biology Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United States 
Zoology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
"Jennifer Snekser"
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Murray Itzkowitz grad student 2010 Lehigh University
 (Influences on biparental care & the division of parental roles.)
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Snekser JL, Leiser JK, Itzkowitz M. (2024) Patrolling the area, not ousting intruders, relates to reproductive success for territorial male Leon Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus. Behavioural Processes. 220: 105078
Snekser JL, Diestler E. (2023) Sex differences in the expression of aggressive behavior and influences on social choice in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Behavioural Processes. 208: 104871
Snekser JL, Itzkowitz M. (2020) Convict cichlid parents that stay with the same mate develop unique and consistent divisions of roles. Peerj. 8: e10534
Snekser JL, Itzkowitz M. (2019) Serial monogamy benefits both sexes in the biparental convict cichlid. Peerj. 7: e6535
Marlin T, Snekser JL, Leese JM. (2019) Juvenile convict cichlids shoaling decisions in relation to shoal size and age Ethology. 125: 485-491
Black A, Snekser JL, Itzkowitz M. (2017) Preservation of behavior after fifteen years of isolation: comparisons of wild and captive endangered pupfish in their natural habitat Environmental Biology of Fishes. 100: 1517-1525
Black AN, Paciorek T, Snekser JL, et al. (2016) Density-dependent effects of a putative egg predator on the behavior and reproductive success of an endangered species of pupfish Southwestern Naturalist. 61: 148-152
van Breukelen NA, Snekser JL, Itzkowitz M. (2015) Male convict cichlid 11-ketotestosterone levels throughout the reproductive cycle: an exploratory profile study in laboratory and field populations. Peerj. 3: e949
Way GP, Kiesel AL, Ruhl N, et al. (2015) Sex differences in a shoaling-boldness behavioral syndrome, but no link with aggression. Behavioural Processes. 113: 7-12
Snekser JL, Wynne RD, Itzkowitz M. (2015) Endangered species interactions suggest a role for personality and behavioral syndromes in conservation efforts Ethology Ecology and Evolution
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