Vasu Sheeba

Evolutionary and Organismal Biology Unit Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research 
Circadian rhythms, neurogenetics, circuits, behaviour
"Vasu Sheeba"
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Cross-listing: Chronobiology Tree

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Sharma PN, Sheeba V. (2024) Reorganization of circadian activity and the pacemaker circuit under novel light regimes. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 291: 20241190
Iyengar AS, Rao S, Sheeba V. (2023) A Subset of Circadian Neurons Expressing Enables Appropriate Phasing of Activity Rhythms in Under Warm Temperatures. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 7487304231159713
Dani C, Sheeba V. (2022) Populations Reared Under Tropical Semi-natural Conditions Evolve Season-dependent Differences in Timing of Eclosion. Frontiers in Physiology. 13: 954731
Prakash P, Pradhan AK, Sheeba V. (2022) HSP40 overexpression in pacemaker neurons protects against circadian dysfunction in a Drosophila model of Huntington's Disease. Disease Models & Mechanisms
Iyengar AS, Kulkarni R, Sheeba V. (2022) Under warm ambient conditions, Drosophila melanogaster suppresses nighttime activity via the neuropeptide pigment dispersing factor. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 21: e12802
Ghosh A, Sheeba V. (2022) VANESSA-Shiny Apps for Accelerated Time-series Analysis and Visualization of Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Data. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 7487304221077662
Ramakrishnan A, Sheeba V. (2021) Gap junction protein Innexin2 modulates the period of free-running rhythms in . Iscience. 24: 103011
Ghosh A, Sharma P, Dansana S, et al. (2021) Evidence for Co-Evolution of Masking With Circadian Phase in . Journal of Biological Rhythms. 748730421997262
Abhilash L, Kalliyil A, Sheeba V. (2020) Responses of activity rhythms to temperature cues evolve in populations selected for divergent timing of eclosion. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Abhilash L, Ramakrishnan A, Priya S, et al. (2020) Waveform Plasticity under Entrainment to 12-h -cycles in : Behavior, Neuronal Network, and Evolution. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 35: 145-157
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