Otilia Menyhart
Affiliations: | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States |
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Menyhárt O, Fekete JT, Győrffy B. (2024) Resistance to Combined Anthracycline-Taxane Chemotherapy Is Associated with Altered Metabolism and Inflammation in Breast Carcinomas. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25 |
Menyhárt O, Fekete TJ, Győrffy B. (2023) [Increased activity of inflammation-related signaling pathways in anthracycline- paclitaxel resistant breast carcinomas]. Magyar Onkologia. 67: 203-212 |
Menyhárt O, Fekete JT, Győrffy B. (2021) Gene expression-based biomarkers designating glioblastomas resistant to multiple treatment strategies. Carcinogenesis. 42: 804-813 |
Menyhárt O, Győrffy B. (2020) Molecular stratifications, biomarker candidates and new therapeutic options in current medulloblastoma treatment approaches. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews. 39: 211-233 |
Zhu C, Menyhart O, Győrffy B, et al. (2019) The prognostic association of SPAG5 gene expression in breast cancer patients with systematic therapy. Bmc Cancer. 19: 1-12 |
Menyhart O, Kakisaka T, Pongor LS, et al. (2019) Uncovering Potential Therapeutic Targets in Colorectal Cancer by Deciphering Mutational Status and Expression of Druggable Oncogenes. Cancers. 11: 983 |
Menyhárt O, Fekete JT, Győrffy B. (2019) Gene Expression Indicates Altered Immune Modulation and Signaling Pathway Activation in Ovarian Cancer Patients Resistant to Topotecan International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20: 2750 |
Menyhárt O, Győrffy B. (2019) Principles of tumorigenesis and emerging molecular drivers of SHH-activated medulloblastomas. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 6: 990-1005 |
Menyhárt O, Giangaspero F, Győrffy B. (2019) Molecular markers and potential therapeutic targets in non-WNT/non-SHH (group 3 and group 4) medulloblastomas. Journal of Hematology & Oncology. 12: 29 |
Menyhárt O, Pongor LS, Győrffy B. (2019) Mutations Defining Patient Cohorts With Elevated PD-L1 Expression in Gastric Cancer. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 9: 1522 |