Felix A. Wichmann
Affiliations: | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
Psychophysics, Vision, Statistics, Computational ModellingWebsite:
"Felix Wichmann"Mean distance: 13.4 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorG. Bruce Henning | grad student | Oxford | |
Johan Wagemans | post-doc | 1999-2001 | KU Leuven |
Bernhard Schölkopf | post-doc | 2002-2007 | MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Sign in to add traineeNadja Althaus | research assistant | MPI Tuebingen | |
Robert Geirhos | grad student | ||
Robbe L.T. Goris | grad student | Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience and TU Berlin | |
Frank Jäkel | grad student | TU Berlin | |
Pedro Rosas | grad student | 1999-2004 | MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Kai Görgen | grad student | 2007-2010 | BCCN Berlin |
Heiko H Schütt | grad student | 2014-2018 | Universität Tübingen |
Thomas S.A. Wallis | post-doc | 2013- | Universität Tübingen |
Marianne Maertens | post-doc | 2008-2010 | Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience and TU Berlin |
Ingo Fruend | post-doc | 2009-2012 | Universität Tübingen |
Sign in to add collaboratorGuillermo Aguilar | collaborator | ||
Matthias Bethge | collaborator | MPI for Biological Cybernetics | |
Jan Drewes | collaborator | Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Méditerranée | |
Karl R. Gegenfurtner | collaborator | MPI for Biological Cybernetics | |
Bernhard Schölkopf | collaborator | MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
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Schmittwilken L, Wichmann FA, Maertens M. (2024) Standard models of spatial vision mispredict edge sensitivity at low spatial frequencies. Vision Research. 222: 108450 |
Wichmann FA, Kornblith S, Geirhos R. (2023) Neither hype nor gloom do DNNs justice. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 46: e412 |
Huber LS, Geirhos R, Wichmann FA. (2023) The developmental trajectory of object recognition robustness: Children are like small adults but unlike big deep neural networks. Journal of Vision. 23: 4 |
Wichmann FA, Geirhos R. (2023) Are Deep Neural Networks Adequate Behavioral Models of Human Visual Perception? Annual Review of Vision Science |
Flachot A, Akbarinia A, Schütt HH, et al. (2022) Deep neural models for color classification and color constancy. Journal of Vision. 22: 17 |
Haghiri S, Wichmann FA, von Luxburg U. (2020) Estimation of perceptual scales using ordinal embedding. Journal of Vision. 20: 14 |
Meding K, Bruijns SA, Schölkopf B, et al. (2020) Phenomenal Causality and Sensory Realism. I-Perception. 11: 2041669520927038 |
Wallis TSA, Tobias S, Bethge M, et al. (2019) Correction to: Detecting distortions of peripherally presented letter stimuli under crowded conditions. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics |
Trukenbrod HA, Barthelmé S, Wichmann FA, et al. (2019) Spatial statistics for gaze patterns in scene viewing: Effects of repeated viewing. Journal of Vision. 19: 5 |
Wallis TS, Funke CM, Ecker AS, et al. (2019) Image content is more important than Bouma's Law for scene metamers. Elife. 8 |