Amy M. Bejsovec

Biology Duke University, Durham, NC 
Genetics, Cell Biology
"Amy Bejsovec"


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Phil Anderson grad student UW Madison (Neurotree)
Alfonso Martinez-Arias post-doc Cambridge (FlyTree)
Eric F. Wieschaus post-doc Princeton (FlyTree)
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Bejsovec A. (2018) Wingless Signaling: A Genetic Journey from Morphogenesis to Metastasis. Genetics. 208: 1311-1336
Rizzo NP, Bejsovec A. (2017) SoxNeuro and Shavenbaby act cooperatively to shape denticles in the embryonic epidermis of Drosophila Development. 144: 2248-2258
Greer ER, Chao AT, Bejsovec A. (2013) Pebble/ECT2 RhoGEF negatively regulates the Wingless/Wnt signaling pathway. Development (Cambridge, England). 140: 4937-46
Bejsovec A. (2013) Wingless/Wnt signaling in Drosophila: the pattern and the pathway. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 80: 882-894
Greer ER, Chao AT, Bejsovec A. (2013) Pebble/ECT2 RhoGEF negatively regulates the Wingless/Wnt signaling pathway Journal of Cell Science. 126
Bejsovec A, Chao AT. (2012) crinkled reveals a new role for Wingless signaling in Drosophila denticle formation. Development. 139: 690-698
Jones WM, Chao AT, Zavortink M, et al. (2010) Cytokinesis proteins Tum and Pav have a nuclear role in Wnt regulation. Journal of Cell Science. 123: 2179-89
Gregory SL, Ebrahimi S, Milverton J, et al. (2008) Cell division requires a direct link between microtubule-bound RacGAP and Anillin in the contractile ring. Current Biology : Cb. 18: 25-9
Chao AT, Jones WM, Bejsovec A. (2007) The HMG-box transcription factor SoxNeuro acts with Tcf to control Wg/Wnt signaling activity. Development (Cambridge, England). 134: 989-97
Bejsovec A. (2006) Flying at the head of the pack: Wnt biology in Drosophila. Oncogene. 25: 7442-7449
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