Daniel A. Starr

Genetics University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Genetics, Cell Biology
"Daniel Starr"
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McGillivary RM, Starr DA, Luxton GWG. (2023) Building and breaking mechanical bridges between the nucleus and cytoskeleton: Regulation of LINC complex assembly and disassembly. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 85: 102260
Ho J, Guerrero LA, Libuda D, et al. (2023) A CDC-42-regulated actin network contributes to nuclear migration through constricted spaces in C. elegans. Development (Cambridge, England)
Ma L, Kuhn J, Chang YT, et al. (2023) FLN-2 functions in parallel to LINC complexes and Cdc42/actin pathways during P-cell nuclear migration through constricted spaces in . Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Taiber S, Gozlan O, Cohen R, et al. (2022) A Nesprin-4/kinesin-1 cargo model for nuclear positioning in cochlear outer hair cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10: 974168
Hao H, Kalra S, Jameson LE, et al. (2021) The Nesprin-1/-2 ortholog ANC-1 regulates organelle positioning in independently from its KASH or actin-binding domains. Elife. 10
Gregory E, Starr D. (2020) is dispensable for both nuclear anchorage and migration in . Micropublication Biology. 2020
Ma L, Starr DA. (2020) Membrane fusion drives pronuclear meeting in the one-cell embryo. The Journal of Cell Biology. 219
Starr DA. (2019) A network of nuclear envelope proteins and cytoskeletal force generators mediates movements of and within nuclei throughout development. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.). 1535370219871965
Jahed Z, Hao H, Thakkar V, et al. (2019) Role of KASH domain lengths in the regulation of LINC complexes. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE19020079
Hao H, Starr DA. (2019) SUN/KASH interactions facilitate force transmission across the nuclear envelope. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.)
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