Pedro Rosas

Centro de Neurociencias Integradas, Chile, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile 
Psychophysics, visual perception
"Pedro Rosas"
Mean distance: 14.29 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Rosas P, Wichmann FA. (2012) Cue Combination: Beyond Optimality Sensory Cue Integration
Wichmann FA, Drewes J, Rosas P, et al. (2010) Animal detection in natural scenes: critical features revisited. Journal of Vision. 10: 6.1-27
Wichmann FA, Rosas P, Gegenfurtner KR. (2010) Rapid animal detection in natural scenes: Critical features are local Journal of Vision. 5: 376-376
Rosas P, Wichmann FA, Wagemans J. (2007) Texture and object motion in slant discrimination: failure of reliability-based weighting of cues may be evidence for strong fusion. Journal of Vision. 7: 3
Ceux T, Wagemans J, Rosas P, et al. (2006) Perceptual-motor adaptations in a synchronization task: the joint effects of frequency and motion coherence manipulations. Behavioural Brain Research. 168: 226-35
Ceux T, Wagemans J, Rosas P, et al. (2005) The influence of motion coherence manipulations on the synchronization level of a perception-action task. Behavioural Brain Research. 162: 83-9
Rosas P, Wagemans J, Ernst MO, et al. (2005) Texture and haptic cues in slant discrimination: reliability-based cue weighting without statistically optimal cue combination. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 22: 801-9
Rosas P, Wichmann FA, Wagemans J. (2004) Some observations on the effects of slant and texture type on slant-from-texture. Vision Research. 44: 1511-35
Rosas P, Wagemans J. (2003) Combination of texture and object motion in slant discrimination Journal of Vision. 3: 842a
Rosas P, Wichmann FA, Ernst MO, et al. (2003) Texture and haptic cues in slant discrimination: Measuring the effect of texture type on cue combination Journal of Vision. 3: 26a
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