Samuel M. Cohen

New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States 
"Samuel Cohen"
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Richard W. Tsien grad student 2012-2016 NYU
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Ma H, Khaled HG, Wang X, et al. (2023) Excitation-transcription coupling, neuronal gene expression and synaptic plasticity. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Cohen SM, Suutari B, He X, et al. (2018) Calmodulin shuttling mediates cytonuclear signaling to trigger experience-dependent transcription and memory. Nature Communications. 9: 2451
Cohen SM, Ma H, Kuchibhotla KV, et al. (2016) Excitation-Transcription Coupling in Parvalbumin-Positive Interneurons Employs a Novel CaM Kinase-Dependent Pathway Distinct from Excitatory Neurons. Neuron
Cohen SM, Li B, Tsien RW, et al. (2015) Evolutionary and functional perspectives on signaling from neuronal surface to nucleus. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 460: 88-99
Cohen SM, Tsien RW, Goff DC, et al. (2015) The impact of NMDA receptor hypofunction on GABAergic neurons in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research
Ma H, Groth RD, Cohen SM, et al. (2014) γCaMKII shuttles Ca²⁺/CaM to the nucleus to trigger CREB phosphorylation and gene expression. Cell. 159: 281-94
Ma H, Cohen S, Li B, et al. (2013) Exploring the dominant role of Cav1 channels in signalling to the nucleus. Bioscience Reports. 33: 97-101
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