Sean M. Polyn, PhD

Psychology Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Memory, Experimental Psychology, Neuroimaging, Computational modeling
"Sean Polyn"

Undergraduate education at University of Virginia, student of William B Levy. Graduate PhD degree in Psychology and Neuroscience, student of Jonathan Cohen and Kenneth Norman. Postdoctoral work at University of Pennsylvania, with Michael Kahana. Assistant professor at Vanderbilt University in Psychology.

Mean distance: 13.74 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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William B. Levy research assistant 1997-1999 UVA
Jonathan D. Cohen grad student 2000-2005 Princeton
 (Neuroimaging, behavioral, and computational investigations of memory targeting.)
Kenneth A. Norman grad student 2002-2005 Princeton
Michael Jacob Kahana post-doc 2005-2007 Penn


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Zachary D Cohen research assistant
Rebecca A. Cutler grad student 2016- Vanderbilt
Neal W. Morton grad student 2014 Vanderbilt
James E. Kragel grad student 2010-2015 Vanderbilt
Resh Singh Gupta grad student 2016-2017 Vanderbilt
David William Sutterer post-doc 2018-2022 Vanderbilt
Evan M. Stein research scientist 2010-2011 Vanderbilt
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Hong MK, Gunn JB, Fazio LK, et al. (2023) The modulation and elimination of temporal organization in free recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Diachek E, Brown-Schmidt S, Polyn SM. (2023) Items Outperform Adjectives in a Computational Model of Binary Semantic Classification. Cognitive Science. 47: e13336
Pathman T, Deker L, Parmar PK, et al. (2023) Children's memory "in the wild": examining the temporal organization of free recall from a week-long camp at a local zoo. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 8: 6
Sutterer DW, Polyn S, Woodman GF. (2021) Alpha-band activity tracks a 2-dimensional spotlight of attention during spatial working memory maintenance. Journal of Neurophysiology
Hong MK, Polyn SM, Fazio LK. (2019) Examining the episodic context account: does retrieval practice enhance memory for context? Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 4: 46
Cutler RA, Duff MC, Polyn SM. (2019) Searching for Semantic Knowledge: A Vector Space Semantic Analysis of the Feature Generation Task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13: 341
Powell PS, Strunk J, James T, et al. (2018) Decoding selective attention to context memory: An aging study. Neuroimage. 181: 95-107
Chan SC, Applegate MC, Morton NW, et al. (2017) Lingering representations of stimuli influence recall organization. Neuropsychologia
Polyn SM, Cutler RA. (2017) Retrieved-context models of memory search and the neural representation of time Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 17: 203-210
Morton NW, Polyn SM. (2016) A predictive framework for evaluating models of semantic organization in free recall. Journal of Memory and Language. 86: 119-140
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