Mauro Manassi, Ph.D

2019- Psychology University of Aberdeen, UK, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom 
vision psychophysics spatial vision serial effects
"Mauro Manassi"

As an undergraduate, I studied Clinical Psychology at the University of Padua (Italy). In 2014, I obtained a Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (Switzerland), under the supervision of Prof. Michael Herzog. From March 2015 to August 2019, I have been a postdoc in Whitney's Lab. As of August 2019, I am a Lecturer (~Assistant Professor) in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen (UK).

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Marini F, Manassi M, Ramon M. (2024) Super recognizers: Increased sensitivity or reduced biases? Insights from serial dependence. Journal of Vision. 24: 13
Pascucci D, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, et al. (2024) Intact Serial Dependence in Schizophrenia: Evidence from an Orientation Adjustment Task. Schizophrenia Bulletin
Manassi M, Murai Y, Whitney D. (2023) Serial dependence in visual perception: A meta-analysis and review. Journal of Vision. 23: 18
Ren Z, Canas-Bajo T, Ghirardo C, et al. (2023) Serial dependence in perception across naturalistic generative adversarial network-generated mammogram. Journal of Medical Imaging (Bellingham, Wash.). 10: 045501
Ren Z, Li X, Pietralla D, et al. (2023) Serial Dependence in Dermatological Judgments. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland). 13
Wang Z, Manassi M, Ren Z, et al. (2022) Idiosyncratic biases in the perception of medical images. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 1049831
Whitney D, Manassi M. (2022) Ensemble perception: Stacking the hay to find the needle. Current Biology : Cb. 32: R1264-R1266
Whitney D, Manassi M, Murai Y. (2022) Searching for serial dependencies in the brain. Plos Biology. 20: e3001788
Manassi M, Whitney D. (2022) Illusion of visual stability through active perceptual serial dependence. Science Advances. 8: eabk2480
Bornet A, Choung OH, Doerig A, et al. (2021) Global and high-level effects in crowding cannot be predicted by either high-dimensional pooling or target cueing. Journal of Vision. 21: 10
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