Andrew N. Meltzoff
Affiliations: | Center for Mind Brain and Learning | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
Child developmentWebsite:
"Andrew Meltzoff"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeThierry Chaminade | research assistant | 2002-2003 | University of Washington |
Leslie J. Carver | post-doc | University of Washington - Seattle/ NIH |
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Meltzoff AN, Marshall PJ. (2020) Importance of body representations in social-cognitive development: New insights from infant brain science. Progress in Brain Research. 254: 25-48 |
Shen G, Meltzoff AN, Weiss SM, et al. (2020) Body representation in infants: Categorical boundaries of body parts as assessed by somatosensory mismatch negativity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 44: 100795 |
Wang Z, Meltzoff AN. (2020) Imitation in Chinese Preschool Children: Influence of Prior Self-Experience and Pedagogical Cues on the Imitation of Novel Acts in a Non-Western Culture. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 662 |
Marshall PJ, Meltzoff AN. (2020) Body maps in the infant brain: implications for neurodevelopmental disabilities. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology |
Ruba AL, Meltzoff AN, Repacholi BM. (2020) Superordinate categorization of negative facial expressions in infancy: The influence of labels. Developmental Psychology |
Río MFd, Susperreguy MI, Strasser K, et al. (2020) Early Sources of Children’s Math Achievement in Chile: The Role of Parental Beliefs and Feelings about Math Early Education and Development. 1-16 |
Rosen ML, Hagen MP, Lurie LA, et al. (2019) Cognitive Stimulation as a Mechanism Linking Socioeconomic Status With Executive Function: A Longitudinal Investigation. Child Development |
Skinner AL, Olson KR, Meltzoff AN. (2019) Acquiring group bias: Observing other people's nonverbal signals can create social group biases. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
Brooks R, Singleton JL, Meltzoff AN. (2019) Enhanced Gaze Following Behavior in Deaf Infants of Deaf Parents. Developmental Science. e12900 |
Ruba AL, Meltzoff AN, Repacholi BM. (2019) How do you feel? Preverbal infants match negative emotions to events. Developmental Psychology |