Jessica B. Rodell, Ph.D.

2010 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Management Business Administration
"Jessica Rodell"
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Jason A. Colquitt grad student 2010 UF Gainesville
 (Antecedents and consequences of employee volunteerism.)


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Ryan M Vogel collaborator
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Matusik JG, Poulton EC, Ferris DL, et al. (2023) The PCMT model of organizational support: Scale development and theoretical application. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Vogel RM, Rodell JB, Agolli A. (2021) Daily engagement and productivity: The importance of the speed of engagement. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Sabey TB, Rodell JB, Matta FK. (2020) To and fro: The costs and benefits of power fluctuation throughout the day. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Vogel RM, Rodell JB, Sabey TB. (2019) Meaningfulness misfit: Consequences of daily meaningful work needs-supplies incongruence for daily engagement. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Colquitt JA, Sabey TB, Rodell JB, et al. (2019) Content validation guidelines: Evaluation criteria for definitional correspondence and definitional distinctiveness. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Rodell JB, Sabey TB, Rogers KM. (2019) "Tapping" into Good Will: Enhancing Corporate Reputation through Customer Volunteering Academy of Management Journal
Lynch JW, Rodell JB. (2018) Blend in or stand out? Interpersonal outcomes of managing concealable stigmas at work. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Baer MD, Rodell JB, Dhensa-Kahlon RK, et al. (2018) Pacification or Aggravation? The Effects of Talking about Supervisor Unfairness Academy of Management Journal. 61: 1764-1788
Baer MD, van der Werff L, Colquitt JA, et al. (2018) Trusting the “Look and Feel”: Situational Normality, Situational Aesthetics, and the Perceived Trustworthiness of Organizations Academy of Management Journal. 61: 1718-1740
Colquitt J, Sabey T, Rodell JB, et al. (2018) Toward a “.70” for Content Validity: Quantifying Standards for Definitional Correspondence Academy of Management Proceedings. 2018: 10156
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