Nathaniel B. Sawtell

Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Nathaniel Sawtell"
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Mark F. Bear grad student 2003 Brown
 (Cellular and biochemical mechanisms of experience -dependent plasticity in the rodent visual cortex.)
Curtis C. Bell post-doc OHSU


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Armen Enikolopov grad student 2012- Columbia
Qianyun Zhang grad student 2018- Columbia
Timothy William Requarth grad student 2014 Columbia
Karina Scalise grad student 2015 Columbia
Shobhit Singla grad student 2015 Columbia
Karina Alvina post-doc 2009-2011 Columbia
David E Ehrlich research scientist
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Wallach A, Sawtell NB. (2023) An internal model for canceling self-generated sensory input in freely behaving electric fish. Neuron
Perks KE, Sawtell NB. (2022) Neural readout of a latency code in the active electrosensory system. Cell Reports. 38: 110605
Warren RA, Zhang Q, Hoffman JR, et al. (2021) A rapid whisker-based decision underlying skilled locomotion in mice. Elife. 10
Dempsey C, Abbott LF, Sawtell NB. (2019) Generalization of learned responses in the mormyrid electrosensory lobe. Elife. 8
Enikolopov AG, Abbott LF, Sawtell NB. (2018) Internally Generated Predictions Enhance Neural and Behavioral Detection of Sensory Stimuli in an Electric Fish. Neuron. 99: 135-146.e3
Singla S, Dempsey C, Warren R, et al. (2017) A cerebellum-like circuit in the auditory system cancels responses to self-generated sounds. Nature Neuroscience
Sawtell NB. (2016) Neural Mechanisms for Predicting the Sensory Consequences of Behavior: Insights from Electrosensory Systems. Annual Review of Physiology
Scalise K, Shimizu T, Hibi M, et al. (2016) Responses of cerebellar Purkinje cells during fictive optomotor behavior in larval zebrafish. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00042.2016
Alviña K, Sawtell NB. (2014) Sensory processing and corollary discharge effects in posterior caudal lobe Purkinje cells in a weakly electric mormyrid fish. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112: 328-39
Kennedy A, Wayne G, Kaifosh P, et al. (2014) A temporal basis for predicting the sensory consequences of motor commands in an electric fish. Nature Neuroscience. 17: 416-22
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