Ervin L. Berényi

University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary 
"Ervin Berényi"
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Hudák R, Székely EG, Kovács KR, et al. (2017) Low thrombin generation predicts poor prognosis in ischemic stroke patients after thrombolysis. Plos One. 12: e0180477
Nagy-Baló E, Martirosyan M, Sándorfi G, et al. (2017) Cerebral micro-embolization during pulmonary vein isolation: Relation to post-ablation silent cerebral ischemia Cardiology Journal. 24: 234-241
Auriel E, Bornstein NM, Berenyi E, et al. (2011) Clinical, radiological and pathological correlates of leukoaraiosis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 123: 41-7
Sulyok E, Nyúl Z, Bogner P, et al. (2001) Brain water and proton magnetic resonance relaxation in preterm and term rabbit pups: their relation to tissue hyaluronan. Neonatology. 79: 67-72
Vajda Z, Berényi E, Bogner P, et al. (1999) Brain adaptation to water loading in rabbits as assessed by NMR relaxometry. Pediatric Research. 46: 450-450
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