Karin Nordström, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Neuroscience | Uppsala University, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden |
Visual system, Insect NeurophysiologyWebsite:
"Karin Nordström"Mean distance: 16.72 (cluster 39) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Nicholas S, Ogawa Y, Nordström K. (2023) Dual receptive fields underlying target and wide-field motion sensitivity in looming sensitive descending neurons. Eneuro |
Nicholas S, Nordström K. (2020) Persistent Firing and Adaptation in Optic-Flow-Sensitive Descending Neurons. Current Biology : Cb |
Fabian J, Nordström K, Ogawa Y. (2020) Insect Vision: Novel Mechanism for Contrast Constancy in Dim Light. Current Biology : Cb. 30: R166-R168 |
Nicholas S, Leibbrandt R, Nordström K. (2020) Visual motion sensitivity in descending neurons in the hoverfly. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology |
Dyakova O, Müller MM, Egelhaaf M, et al. (2019) Image statistics of the environment surrounding freely behaving hoverflies. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology |
Dyakova O, Rångtell FH, Tan X, et al. (2019) Acute sleep loss induces signs of visual discomfort in young men. Journal of Sleep Research. e12837 |
Chiappe ME, Longden K, Nordström K. (2019) Decision letter: ON selectivity in the Drosophila visual system is a multisynaptic process involving both glutamatergic and GABAergic inhibition Elife |
Nicholas S, Supple J, Leibbrandt R, et al. (2018) Integration of Small- and Wide-Field Visual Features in Target-Selective Descending Neurons of both Predatory and Non-Predatory Dipterans. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Thyselius M, Gonzalez-Bellido P, Wardill T, et al. (2018) Visual approach computation in feeding hoverflies. The Journal of Experimental Biology |
Dyakova O, Nordström K. (2017) Image statistics and their processing in insect vision. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 24: 7-14 |