Jane Bear-Lehman

Occupational Therapy New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Gerontology
"Jane Bear-Lehman"
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Gwen Weinstock-Zlotnick grad student 2009 NYU
Tracy Chippendale grad student 2011 NYU
Siaw C. Chai grad student 2013 NYU
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Weinstock-Zlotnick G, Bear-Lehman J. (2015) How therapists specializing in hand therapy evaluate the ability of patients to participate in their daily lives: An exploratory study. Journal of Hand Therapy : Official Journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists. 28: 261-7; quiz 268
Albert SM, Bear-Lehman J, Anderson SJ. (2015) Declines in mobility and changes in performance in the instrumental activities of daily living among mildly disabled community-dwelling older adults. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 70: 71-7
Chippendale T, Bear-Lehman J. (2012) Effect of life review writing on depressive symptoms in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy : Official Publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 66: 438-46
Chai SC, Bear-Lehman J, Weinberg S, et al. (2012) A Preliminary Analysis on the Relationship Between Hand Discomfort, Perceived Exertion, and Hand Function Status Among Piano Students Journal of Hand Therapy. 25: e12-e13
Weinstock-Zlotnick G, Bear-Lehman J. (2012) Hand Therapy, the Icf, Participation, Clinical Reasoning, and Evaluation: An Exploratory Study of How Hand Therapists Evaluate the Ability of Their Patients to Participate in Their Daily Lives Journal of Hand Therapy. 25: e5-e6
Weinstock-Zlotnick G, Bear-Lehman J, Yu TY. (2011) A test case: does the availability of visual feedback impact grip strength scores when using a digital dynamometer? Journal of Hand Therapy : Official Journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists. 24: 266-75; quiz 276
Chippendale T, Bear-Lehman J. (2011) Falls, Older Adults, and the Impact of the Neighborhood Environment American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 65: e95-e100
Chippendale TL, Bear-Lehman J. (2010) Enabling “Aging in Place” for Urban Dwelling Seniors: An Adaptive or Remedial Approach? Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. 28: 57-62
Chai SC, Bear-Lehman J, Ford M, et al. (2010) ****Study of Hand Span and Active Hand Mobility in Healthy Adults Journal of Hand Therapy. 23: e10
Reistetter T, Abreu BC, Bear-Lehman J, et al. (2009) Unilateral and bilateral upper extremity weight-bearing effect on upper extremity impairment and functional performance after brain injury. Occupational Therapy International. 16: 218-31
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