Edmond A. Pajor
Affiliations: | Animal Sciences | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Physiology BiologyGoogle:
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Sign in to add traineeVanessa T. Kanaan | grad student | 2008 | Purdue |
Lyndsey M.W. Jones | grad student | 2008-2010 | |
Laurie A. Mack | grad student | 2012 | Purdue |
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Meléndez DM, Marti S, Pajor EA, et al. (2019) Pharmacokinetics of oral and subcutaneous meloxicam: Effect on indicators of pain and inflammation after knife castration in weaned beef calves. Plos One. 14: e0217518 |
Pearson JM, Pajor EA, Campbell JR, et al. (2019) Clinical impacts of administering a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug to beef calves after assisted calving on pain and inflammation, passive immunity, health, and growth. Journal of Animal Science |
Tse C, Barkema HW, DeVries TJ, et al. (2018) Impact of automatic milking systems on dairy cattle producers' reports of milking labour management, milk production and milk quality. Animal : An International Journal of Animal Bioscience. 1-8 |
Meléndez DM, Marti S, Pajor EA, et al. (2018) Effect of a single dose of meloxicam prior to band or knife castration in 1 week old beef calves: I. Acute Pain. Journal of Animal Science |
King MTM, LeBlanc SJ, Pajor EA, et al. (2018) Behavior and productivity of cows milked in automated systems before diagnosis of health disorders in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science |
Meléndez DM, Marti S, Pajor EA, et al. (2017) Effect of timing of subcutaneous meloxicam administration on indicators of pain after knife castration of weaned calves. Journal of Animal Science. 95: 5218-5229 |
Homerosky ER, Timsit E, Pajor EA, et al. (2017) Predictors and impacts of colostrum consumption by 4h after birth in newborn beef calves. Veterinary Journal (London, England : 1997). 228: 1-6 |
Meléndez DM, Marti S, Pajor EA, et al. (2017) Effect of band and knife castration of beef calves on welfare indicators of pain at three relevant industry ages: I. Acute pain. Journal of Animal Science. 95: 4352-4366 |
King MTM, Pajor EA, LeBlanc SJ, et al. (2017) Corrigendum to "Associations of herd-level housing, management, and lameness prevalence with productivity and cow behavior in herds with automated milking systems" (J. Dairy Sci. 99:9069-9079). Journal of Dairy Science. 100: 9476 |
Cutler JHH, Rushen J, de Passillé AM, et al. (2017) Producer estimates of prevalence and perceived importance of lameness in dairy herds with tiestalls, freestalls, and automated milking systems. Journal of Dairy Science |