Seong O. Lyu, Ph.D.

2012 Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Recreation, Behavioral Psychology
"Seong Lyu"
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ChiOk Oh grad student 2012 Michigan State
 (Using the leisure constraints negotiation process to understand participants' leisure involvement and benefit realization.)
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Lyu SO. (2020) Applying discrete choice models to understand sport tourists’ heterogeneous preferences for Winter Olympic travel products: Tourism Economics. 135481661989922
Hwang J, Lyu SO, Cho S. (2019) In-Flight Casinos, Is It Really a Nonsensical Idea? An Exploratory Approach Using Different Choice Experiments Sustainability. 11: 3038
Shin J, Lyu SO. (2019) Using a discrete choice experiment to estimate spectators’ willingness to pay for professional baseball park sportscape Sport Management Review. 22: 502-512
Lyu SO, Lee Y. (2018) How Do Golf Tourists Manage Golfing Constraints? A Choice Modeling Approach: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 42: 1096348015597036
Hwang J, Lyu SO. (2018) Understanding first-class passengers' luxury value perceptions in the US airline industry Tourism Management Perspectives. 28: 29-40
Lyu SO, Han JH. (2017) Assessing preferences for mega sports event travel products: a choice experimental approach Current Issues in Tourism. 20: 740-758
Lyu SO, Hwang J. (2017) Saving golf courses from business troubles Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 34: 1-12
Lyu SO. (2017) Which accessible travel products are people with disabilities willing to pay more? A choice experiment Tourism Management. 59: 404-412
Lyu SO, Noh EJ. (2017) Shopping decisions of international tourists to Korea: The Heckman sample selection approach Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 6: 436-443
Lyu SO. (2017) Developmental Process of Internet Gaming Disorder among South Korean Adolescents: Effects of Family Environment and Recreation Experience Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26: 1527-1535
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