Debra J. Kane, Ph.D.

2003 University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences Center, Chicago, IL 60612, United States 
Public Health
"Debra Kane"
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L Michele Issel grad student 2003 University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences Center
 (Estimated costs and birth outcomes associated with the provision of Medicaid prenatal case management.)
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Frederiksen BN, Lillehoj CJ, Kane DJ, et al. (2017) Evaluating Iowa Severe Maternal Morbidity Trends and Maternal Risk Factors: 2009-2014. Maternal and Child Health Journal
Slaughter JC, Issel LM, Handler AS, et al. (2013) Measuring dosage: a key factor when assessing the relationship between prenatal case management and birth outcomes. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 17: 1414-23
Kane DJ, Issel LM. (2005) Estimating Medicaid prenatal case management costs: the provider's perspective. Nursing Economic$. 23: 181-8, 147
Issel LM, Anderson RA, Kane DJ. (2003) Administrative characteristics of comprehensive prenatal case management programs. Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.). 20: 349-60
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