Richard Michon, Ph.D.

2004 HEC Montreal (Canada) 
Marketing Business Administration
"Richard Michon"
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Jean-Charles Chebat grad student 2004 HEC Montreal (Canada)
 (Creating business enterprise value with mall atmospherics: Impact of ambient odors on mall shoppers' emotions, cognition and spending.)
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Haj-Salem N, Chebat JC, Michon R, et al. (2016) Why male and female shoppers do not see mall loyalty through the same lens? The mediating role of self-congruity Journal of Business Research. 69: 1219-1227
Michon R, Chebat J, Yu H, et al. (2015) Fashion orientation, shopping mall environment, and patronage intentions Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal. 19: 3-21
Chebat J, Michon R, Haj-Salem N, et al. (2014) The effects of mall renovation on shopping values, satisfaction and spending behaviour Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 21: 610-618
Dennis C, Michon R, Brakus JJ, et al. (2012) New insights into the impact of digital signage as a retail atmospheric tool Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 11: 454-466
Massicotte M, Michon R, Chebat J, et al. (2011) Effects of mall atmosphere on mall evaluation: Teenage versus adult shoppers Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 18: 74-80
Dennis C, Michon R, Newman A. (2010) The Appeal Of A Town'S Separately-Branded Environments To Market Segments And The Segmented Appeal Of Digital Signage Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 6: 156-175
Dennis C, Newman A, Michon R, et al. (2010) The mediating effects of perception and emotion: Digital signage in mall atmospherics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 17: 205-215
Michon R, Chebat J. (2008) Breaking Open the Consumer Behavior Black Box: Sem and Retail Atmospheric Manipulations Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 16: 299-308
Michon R, Yu H, Smith D, et al. (2008) The influence of mall environment on female fashion shoppers' value and behaviour Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal. 12: 456-468
Vandenberghe C, Bentein K, Michon R, et al. (2007) An examination of the role of perceived support and employee commitment in employee-customer encounters. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 92: 1177-87
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