Evan Herrmann, PhD

Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Evan Herrmann"
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Haney M, Bedi G, Cooper ZD, et al. (2022) Impact of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition on cannabis withdrawal and circulating endocannabinoids in daily cannabis smokers. Addiction Biology. 27: e13183
Kearney-Ramos T, Herrmann ES, Belluomo I, et al. (2022) The Relationship Between Circulating Endogenous Cannabinoids and the Effects of Smoked Cannabis. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Schlienz NJ, Spindle TR, Cone EJ, et al. (2020) Pharmacodynamic dose effects of oral cannabis ingestion in healthy adults who infrequently use cannabis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 211: 107969
Montgomery L, Mantey DS, Peters EN, et al. (2019) Blunt use and menthol cigarette smoking: An examination of adult marijuana users. Addictive Behaviors. 102: 106153
McClure EA, Tomko RL, Salazar CA, et al. (2018) Tobacco and cannabis co-use: Drug substitution, quit interest, and cessation preferences. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Herrmann ES, Cooper ZD, Bedi G, et al. (2018) Varenicline and nabilone in tobacco and cannabis co-users: effects on tobacco abstinence, withdrawal and a laboratory model of cannabis relapse. Addiction Biology
Haney M, Cooper ZD, Bedi G, et al. (2018) Guanfacine decreases symptoms of cannabis withdrawal in daily cannabis smokers. Addiction Biology
Vandrey R, Budney A, Herrmann E, et al. (2018) 166. Targeting Sleep Disturbance in the Treatment of Cannabis Use Disorders Biological Psychiatry. 83: S67
Herrmann ES, Cooper Z, Bedi G, et al. (2017) Effects of zolpidem alone and in combination with nabilone on cannabis withdrawal and relapse among non-treatment-seeking cannabis users Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 171: e88
Herrmann ES, Cooper ZD, Bedi G, et al. (2016) Effects of zolpidem alone and in combination with nabilone on cannabis withdrawal and a laboratory model of relapse in cannabis users. Psychopharmacology
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