Yu Guan

2012 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, United States 
"Yu Guan"
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Williams JL, Corbetta D, Guan Y. (2015) Learning to reach with "sticky" or "non-sticky" mittens: a tale of developmental trajectories. Infant Behavior & Development. 38: 82-96
Corbetta D, Thurman SL, Wiener RF, et al. (2014) Mapping the feel of the arm with the sight of the object: on the embodied origins of infant reaching. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 576
Corbetta D, Guan Y, Williams JL. (2012) Infant Eye-tracking in the Context of Goal-Directed Actions. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 17: 102-125
Guan Y, Corbetta D. (2012) What Grasps and Holds 8-Month-Old Infants' Looking Attention? The Effects of Object Size and Depth Cues Child Development Research. 2012: 1-10
Corbetta D, Guan Y, Williams JL. (2012) Infant Eye-Tracking in the Context of Goal-Directed Actions: EYE-TRACKING AND ACTION Infancy. 17: 102-125
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