Hu Zheng

Hohai University 
geo granular
"Hu Zheng"
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Zheng H, Dai G, Bester CS, et al. (2023) Development of a biaxial apparatus for jamming profiles of photoelastic granular media. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 94: 035110
Pugnaloni LA, Carlevaro CM, Kozlowski R, et al. (2022) Universal features of the stick-slip dynamics of an intruder moving through a confined granular medium. Physical Review. E. 105: L042902
Carlevaro CM, Kozlowski R, Pugnaloni LA, et al. (2020) Intruder in a two-dimensional granular system: Effects of dynamic and static basal friction on stick-slip and clogging dynamics. Physical Review. E. 101: 012909
Barés J, Brodu N, Zheng H, et al. (2020) Transparent experiments: releasing data from mechanical tests on three dimensional hydrogel sphere packings. Granular Matter. 22: 21
Bester CS, Cox N, Zheng H, et al. (2020) Dynamics Of Oblique Impact In A Quasi Two-Dimensional Granular Medium Granular Matter. 22: 1-6
Wang D, Zheng H, Ji Y, et al. (2020) Shear of granular materials composed of ellipses Granular Matter. 22: 1-7
Zhao Y, Barés J, Zheng H, et al. (2019) Shear-Jammed, Fragile, and Steady States in Homogeneously Strained Granular Materials. Physical Review Letters. 123: 158001
Kozlowski R, Carlevaro CM, Daniels KE, et al. (2019) Dynamics of a grain-scale intruder in a two-dimensional granular medium with and without basal friction. Physical Review. E. 100: 032905
Chen DZ, Zheng H, Wang D, et al. (2019) Discontinuous rate-stiffening in a granular composite modeled after cornstarch and water. Nature Communications. 10: 1283
Zhao Y, Zheng H, Wang D, et al. (2019) Particle scale force sensor based on intensity gradient method in granular photoelastic experiments New Journal of Physics. 21: 023009
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