Jeffrey W. Sherman, PhD

2005- Psychology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Social Psychology; Social Cognition
"Jeffrey Sherman"


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David Hamilton grad student 1989-1994 UC Santa Barbara
Stanley B. Klein grad student 1989-1994 UC Santa Barbara (Philosophy Tree)
Diane M Mackie grad student 1989-1994 UC Santa Barbara (Neurotree)


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Diana J. Leonard research assistant 2002-2004 Northwestern (Neurotree)
Anthony Scroggins research assistant 2008-2010 UC Davis (Neurotree)
Gayle R. Bessenoff grad student 1996-2000 Northwestern
Carla Groom grad student 1998-2002 Northwestern
Frederica R. Conrey grad student 2000-2004 Northwestern
Thomas Allen grad student 2006-2012 UC Davis
Courtney K. Soderberg grad student 2008-2014 UC Davis
Dario Sacchi grad student 2007-2015 UC Davis
Jimmy Calanchini grad student 2010-2016 UC Davis
Andrew M. Rivers grad student 2013-2018 UC Davis
Karen Gonsalkorale post-doc 2005-2008 UC Davis
Regina Krieglmeyer (Reichardt) post-doc 2008-2010 UC Davis
Jacqueline Chen post-doc 2012-2014 UC Davis
BETA: Related publications


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Chen JM, Meyers C, Pauker K, et al. (2023) Intergroup Context Moderates the Impact of White Americans' Identification on Racial Categorization of Ambiguous Faces. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 1461672231190264
Calanchini J, Schmidt K, Sherman JW, et al. (2022) The contributions of positive outgroup and negative ingroup evaluation to implicit bias favoring outgroups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2116924119
Simon D, Chen JM, Sherman JW, et al. (2022) A recognition advantage for members of higher-status racial groups. British Journal of Psychology (London, England : 1953)
Reichardt R, Rivers AM, Reichardt J, et al. (2020) Further Validation of Measures of Target Detection and Stereotype Activation in the Stereotype Misperception Task. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 573985
Sherman JW, Rivers AM. (2020) Social priming: time to ditch a dubious term? Nature. 579: 29
Rees HR, Ma DS, Sherman JW. (2019) Examining the Relationships Among Categorization, Stereotype Activation, and Stereotype Application. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219861431
Hutchings RJ, Calanchini J, Huang LM, et al. (2019) Retrieval cues fail to influence contextualized evaluations. Cognition & Emotion. 1-19
Rivers AM, Sherman JW, Rees HR, et al. (2019) On the Roles of Stereotype Activation and Application in Diminishing Implicit Bias. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167219853842
Roth J, Deutsch R, Sherman JW. (2019) Automatic Antecedents of Discrimination European Psychologist. 24: 219-230
Rees HR, Rivers AM, Sherman JW. (2018) Implementation Intentions Reduce Implicit Stereotype Activation and Application. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167218775695
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