Neal D. Amin, MD, PhD
Affiliations: | 2011-2017 | Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and University of California, San Diego | |
2017- | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
microRNAs, RNA processing in the generation of neuronal diversity, neuropsychiatric disease, clinical psychiatryGoogle:
"Neal Amin"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorLawrence S. Shapiro | research assistant | 2007-2008 | Columbia |
Samuel L. Pfaff | grad student | 2011-2015 | Salk Institute |
Sergiu P. Pasca | post-doc | 2018- |
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Amin ND, Kelley KW, Kaganovsky K, et al. (2024) Generating human neural diversity with a multiplexed morphogen screen in organoids. Cell Stem Cell. 31: 1831-1846.e9 |
Onesto MM, Amin ND, Pan C, et al. (2024) Midline Assembloids Reveal Regulators of Human Axon Guidance. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Kim JI, Imaizumi K, Thete MV, et al. (2024) Human assembloid model of the ascending neural sensory pathway. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Amin ND, Kelley KW, Hao J, et al. (2023) Generating human neural diversity with a multiplexed morphogen screen in organoids. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Andersen J, Thom N, Shadrach JL, et al. (2023) Single-cell transcriptomic landscape of the developing human spinal cord. Nature Neuroscience |
Martins LF, Brambilla I, Motta A, et al. (2022) Motor neurons use push-pull signals to direct vascular remodeling critical for their connectivity. Neuron |
Revah O, Gore F, Kelley KW, et al. (2022) Maturation and circuit integration of transplanted human cortical organoids. Nature. 610: 319-326 |
Amin ND, Pașca SP. (2022) Mouse embryo models built from stem cells take shape in a dish. Nature. 610: 39-40 |
Amin ND, Senturk G, Hayashi M, et al. (2022) Detecting microRNA-mediated gene regulatory effects in murine neuronal subpopulations. Star Protocols. 3: 101130 |
Amin ND, Senturk G, Costaguta G, et al. (2021) A hidden threshold in motor neuron gene networks revealed by modulation of miR-218 dose. Neuron |