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Asger Skovgaard Ostenfeld research assistant 1911 Technical University of Denmark
Ludwig Prandtl research assistant 1914 Universität Göttingen (Physics Tree)
August Otto Föppl research assistant 1915 Technische Hochschule München (Physics Tree)
Arthur Newell Talbot grad student 1916 UIUC
 (Tests and analysis relating to the strength and elasticity of concrete and reinforced concrete under biaxial stress.)
Sebastian Finsterwalder grad student 1921 Technische Hochschule München (MathTree)
 (Anwendung der Statik auf die Ausgleichsrechnung.)
Ludwig Föppl grad student 1921 Technische Hochschule München (Physics Tree)


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Zhi-Lun Xu grad student
Nathan Mortimore Newmark grad student 1934 UIUC
Raymond David Mindlin grad student 1936 Columbia