Emmanuelle Zech
Affiliations: | Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) |
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Delespaux E, Zech E. (2017) Deficits in cognitive inhibition and post-loss rumination: evidence from a thought suppression task / Déficits de inhibición cognitiva y rumiación posterior a una pérdida: evidencia a partir de una tarea de supresión de pensamientos Estudios De PsicologíA. 38: 608-638 |
Ryckebosch-Dayez AS, Zech E, Mac Cord J, et al. (2016) Daily life stressors and coping strategies during widowhood: A diary study after one year of bereavement. Death Studies. 40: 461-478 |
Fasse L, Zech E. (2016) Dual Process Model of Coping With Bereavement in the Test of the Subjective Experiences of Bereaved Spouses Omega - Journal of Death and Dying. 74: 212-238 |
Delespaux E, Zech E. (2015) Why Do Bereaved Partners Experience Interfering Rumination?: Evidence for Deficits in Cognitive Inhibition. Death Studies. 39: 463-72 |
Brison C, Zech E, Jaeken M, et al. (2015) Encounter groups: do they foster psychology students’ psychological development and therapeutic attitudes? Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 14: 83-99 |
Delespaux E, Ryckebosch-Dayez AS, Heeren A, et al. (2013) Attachment and severity of grief: the mediating role of negative appraisal and inflexible coping. Omega. 67: 269-89 |
Davydov DM, Luminet O, Zech E. (2013) An externally oriented style of thinking as a moderator of responses to affective films in women. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 87: 152-64 |
De Soir E, Knarren M, Zech E, et al. (2012) A phenomenological analysis of disaster-related experiences in fire and emergency medical services personnel. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 27: 115-22 |
Zech E, Stroebe M. (2010) Bereavement: Contemporary Scientific Perspectives for Researchers and Practitioners Psychologica Belgica. 50: 1 |
Zech E, De Ree F, Berenschot F, et al. (2006) Depressive affect among health care seekers: how it is related to attachment style, emotional disclosure, and health complaints. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 11: 7-19 |