Sarah L. Caverly, Ph.D.

2006 George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Developmental Psychology
"Sarah Caverly"
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Susanne A. Denham grad student 2006 George Mason
 (The contribution of siblings to children's social competence.)
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Harper BD, Lemerise EA, Caverly SL. (2010) The effect of induced mood on children's social information processing: goal clarification and response decision. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 38: 575-86
Denham SA, Caverly S, Schmidt M, et al. (2002) Preschool understanding of emotions: contributions to classroom anger and aggression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 43: 901-16
Winsler A, Caverly SL, Willson-Quayle A, et al. (2002) The social and behavioral ecology of mixed-age and same-age preschool classrooms: A natural experiment Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 23: 305-330
Denham S, Mason T, Caverly S, et al. (2001) Preschoolers at play: Co-socialisers of emotional and social competence International Journal of Behavioral Development. 25: 290-301
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