Lee Anna Clark

Psychology University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
"Lee Clark"
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Auke Tellegen grad student 1977-1982


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Holly Levin-Aspenson grad student (PsychTree)
Leonard J. Simms grad student
Jennifer A. Linde grad student 2001 University of Iowa
Kelley C. Westerhouse grad student 2002 University of Iowa
Alex Casillas grad student 2005 University of Iowa
Robert D. Latzman grad student 2003-2009 University of Iowa
Eunyoe Ro grad student 2010 University of Iowa
Leigh A. Sharma grad student 2011 University of Iowa
Kari R. Lane grad student 2012 University of Iowa
Theresa A. Morgan grad student 2012 University of Iowa
Deborah M. Stringer grad student 2012 University of Iowa
Yuliya Kotelnikova post-doc 2017- Notre Dame (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Clark LA, Ro E, Vittengl JR, et al. (2024) Longitudinal prediction of psychosocial functioning outcomes: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Section-II personality disorders versus alternative model personality dysfunction and traits. Personality Disorders
Ro E, Nuzum H, Clark LA. (2024) Competing Models of Personality Disorder: Relations With Psychosocial Functioning. Assessment. 10731911241253409
Hemmati A, Rezaei F, Rahmani K, et al. (2024) Meta-Analytic Review of Temperamental Correlates of the Five-Factor Model and Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Domains. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 46: 208-220
Clark LA, Ro E, Nuzum H, et al. (2024) Personality disorder coverage, prevalence, and convergence: do the 's two models of personality disorder identify the same patients? Psychological Medicine. 1-12
Forbes MK, Ringwald WR, Allen T, et al. (2023) Principles and procedures for revising the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. 133: 4-19
Vittengl JR, Jarrett RB, Ro E, et al. (2023) Associations of antidepressant medication consumption with changes in personality pathology and quality of life among community-dwelling adults. The International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine
Ro E, Vittengl JR, Jarrett RB, et al. (2023) Disinhibition domain and facets uniquely predict changes in depressive symptoms and psychosocial functioning. Personality and Mental Health
Vittengl JR, Jarrett RB, Ro E, et al. (2023) Evaluating a Comprehensive Model of Euthymia. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 1-6
Watson D, Clark LA. (2023) Comorbidity and heterogeneity: Two challenges for personality pathology research. Personality Disorders. 14: 39-49
Ringwald WR, Emery L, Khoo S, et al. (2023) Structure of Pathological Personality Traits Through the Lens of the CAT-PD Model. Assessment. 10731911221143343
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