Jessica T. Markowitz, Ph.D.

2008 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Jessica Markowitz"
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Michael R. Lowe grad student 2008 Drexel
 (Body mass index and disordered eating in adolescent females with type 1 diabetes.)
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Goethals ER, Commissariat PV, Volkening LK, et al. (2020) Assessing Readiness for Independent Self-Care in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Introducing the RISQ. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 108110
Hevelke LK, Albrecht C, Busse-Widmann P, et al. (2016) [Prevalence of Disturbed Eating Behavior in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Assessment and Comparison to Healthy Peers--Results of a Multicenter Questionnaire-based Study]. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie. 66: 128-35
Saßmann H, Albrecht C, Busse-Widmann P, et al. (2015) Psychometric properties of the German version of the Diabetes Eating Problem Survey-Revised: additional benefit of disease-specific screening in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine : a Journal of the British Diabetic Association
Markowitz JT, Volkening LK, Butler DA, et al. (2015) Youth-Perceived Burden of Type 1 Diabetes: Problem Areas in Diabetes Survey-Pediatric Version (PAID-Peds). Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 9: 1080-5
Markowitz JT, Garvey KC, Laffel LM. (2015) Developmental changes in the roles of patients and families in type 1 diabetes management. Current Diabetes Reviews. 11: 231-8
Rasbach LE, Volkening LK, Markowitz JT, et al. (2015) Youth and parent measures of self-efficacy for continuous glucose monitoring: survey psychometric properties. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 17: 327-34
Hevelke L, Albrecht C, Busse-Widmann P, et al. (2015) Prävalenz gestörten Essverhaltens bei Jugendlichen mit Diabetes Typ 1 Erfassungsmöglichkeiten und Vergleich zu stoffwechselgesunden Jugendlichen – Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Fragebogenstudie Diabetologie Und Stoffwechsel. 10: 138
Markowitz JT, Cousineau T, Franko DL, et al. (2014) Text messaging intervention for teens and young adults with diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 8: 1029-34
Markowitz JT, Volkening LK, Laffel LM. (2014) Care utilization in a pediatric diabetes clinic: cancellations, parental attendance, and mental health appointments. The Journal of Pediatrics. 164: 1384-9
Markowitz JT, Harrington KR, Laffel LM. (2013) Technology to optimize pediatric diabetes management and outcomes. Current Diabetes Reports. 13: 877-85
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